Getting Started with Blender
Getting Started in 3D with Blender
This series of videos are straight from and will show you how to get started. We have curated these in a good order for you. This is where we’d start if we were doing it all over again. It’s slightly different in order from their channel. Enjoy.
This video shows you the first steps you should take in Blender. This is the current production version, and we have a whole different section for 2.8 beta. 2.79 will be beta for quite some time, so as of the time of this writing, 2.79 is current and what these videos address.
Learning navigation in any 3D software package is very important. There are 3 dimensions, 4 if you include time, and knowing how to navigate the interface will take you pretty far in a short amount of time. Don’t ignore this.
Your early success in 3D depends on your ability to select and move objects in 3D space. This video shows you how to do that in Blender. Once you practice a bit, it will get much easier.
This video shows you how to add and delete objects in 3D space. Here is where things start getting fun. Enjoy!
Meshes are objects in 3D space. They are a series of connected points. This video takes you into the world of creating meshes with ease.
Blender has two main modes for dealing with objects. One is the gross level where you operate on a whole object at one time. The other is where you go into an object and push and pull points. This video shows you what that’s all about.
This video shows you where to go to access faces, vertices, and edges. This is crucial to being able to work inside of edit mode. Definitely watch this. It’s pivotal.
Want to make your objects look smooth and detailed? Here is the video that explains that. Subdivision is amazing, but can really make your computer crawl if you’re not careful. Watch this video to understand how subdivision surfaces helps your work shine.
Extruding is adding more geometry to an object. This is a good workflow and core concept in 3D modeling. This is highly useful and explained pretty well here.
This is where you learn to really operate on your objects in edit mode. You can add loop cuts and learn all about edge loops and how it can revolutionize your modeling workflow. Learn this.
These videos will get you going with Blender3D, which you can get here.